Back in the mid 1970's Gottlieb released a few titles with very similar playfield layouts with just a few subtle changes between them. These games were Spirit of 76/Pioneer, Fast Draw/Quick Draw and Jungle Queen/Princess. They are all excellent games in their own right.
Now it would be sweet if you could take the best elements out of the 3 games above and make your own!. Personally I'd keep it simple and take the playfield layout and rules from Fast Draw, and use the Jungle Queen art. I like the resetting black drop targets on Fast Draw, and much rather the no slingshot/double inlane setup instead of the added mini flippers on JQ.
Again, I like all 3. I just have this "thing" about drop target banks that don't reset. But really, with the huge gap between the flippers and the brutal outlanes, you're not going to drop all the targets and max out the bonus every ball, so the challenge is still huge.
JQ is another top class EM from Gottlieb at a time when Solid State machines were just starting to take hold.